EN 74-1:2005
Couplers, spigot pins and baseplates for use in falsework and scaffolds - Part 1: Couplers for tubes - Requirements and test procedures
直角扣件(需要指定等级Class A /Class B)
抗滑Slipping force
抗破坏Failure force
抗拉分Pull apart force
十字抗弯刚度及极限弯矩(仅适用B级) Cruciform bending stiffness and Cruciform bending ultimate moment(Class B only)
扭转刚度及转矩(仅适用B级) Rotational stiffness and moment(ClassB only)
旋转扣件(需要指定等级Class A/Class B)
抗滑Slipping force
抗破坏failure force
压痕测试 indentation
平行扣件(需要指定等级Class A/Class B)
抗滑Slipping force
抗破坏failure force
压痕测试 indentation
对接扣件(需要指定等级Class A/Class B)
抗滑Slipping force
弯矩(仅适用B级) Bending moment(Class B only)